Programme for the 2013-2014 Season
6th Digging Deep into Aivar Kaulins Archives
13th Camera-work "The Do's & Dont's" with Brian Heard
20th Chairman's Shield Competition/ Holiday/Family
we need lots of entries for the Movie Shows
27th Michael Slowe with "Some of my Recent Videos
This should not be missed it will be a great evening
3rd Chairman's Evening.
Wives and Partners invited.
10th Alan Colegrave - The making of Purity and other videos of special interest.
17th Chairman's Shield Competition- Documentary.
lets have lots of entries we need them for the movie Shows.
24th Stoke Cine & Video Society - Showreel.
can we learn from them?
3rd The First Round of the IAC NTR 4x4 Competition
please come and support your club.
10th Editing Workshop
with Alan Colegrave, Geoffrey Foord & Céline Terranova.
17th Chairman's Shield Competition.
1 Movie to a record 2 Three minute movie 3 One minute movie.
24th A visit by Harrow Camera Club.
An Audo Visual Evening.
31st President's Cup Competition.
Open to all Silver category Members.
7th Aivar Kaulins - "Memories of Saturday Morning Cinema".
14th Showreel from Blackpool Movie Makers.
can we learn anything from them?
17th Spring Movie Show.
Venue Pinner Village Hall.
28th Annual Challenge Cup Competition. Open to all Members.
Entries via the web site entry form by Thursday 24th April please.
12th Annual General Meeting.
Please attend your votes are very important.
25th The Summer Lunch 2014 Will Be At
Dona Theresa 451 Uxbridge Road
Hatch End Pinner HA5 4JR
12.30 for 1pm start.
6th Digging Deep into Aivar Kaulins Archives
13th Camera-work "The Do's & Dont's" with Brian Heard
20th Chairman's Shield Competition/ Holiday/Family
we need lots of entries for the Movie Shows
27th Michael Slowe with "Some of my Recent Videos
This should not be missed it will be a great evening
3rd Chairman's Evening.
Wives and Partners invited.
10th Alan Colegrave - The making of Purity and other videos of special interest.
17th Chairman's Shield Competition- Documentary.
lets have lots of entries we need them for the movie Shows.
24th Stoke Cine & Video Society - Showreel.
can we learn from them?
3rd The First Round of the IAC NTR 4x4 Competition
please come and support your club.
10th Editing Workshop
with Alan Colegrave, Geoffrey Foord & Céline Terranova.
17th Chairman's Shield Competition.
1 Movie to a record 2 Three minute movie 3 One minute movie.
24th A visit by Harrow Camera Club.
An Audo Visual Evening.
31st President's Cup Competition.
Open to all Silver category Members.
7th Aivar Kaulins - "Memories of Saturday Morning Cinema".
14th Showreel from Blackpool Movie Makers.
can we learn anything from them?
17th Spring Movie Show.
Venue Pinner Village Hall.
28th Annual Challenge Cup Competition. Open to all Members.
Entries via the web site entry form by Thursday 24th April please.
12th Annual General Meeting.
Please attend your votes are very important.
25th The Summer Lunch 2014 Will Be At
Dona Theresa 451 Uxbridge Road
Hatch End Pinner HA5 4JR
12.30 for 1pm start.