Obituary for Ken Mills, OBE, LACI.
It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of our President, Ken Mills, OBE, LACI.
Ken was one of the earliest members of the club in the 1950s, and remained a staunch and enthusiastic film maker all his life, picking up many trophies, stars and awards along the way.
Always keen to embrace the latest technology, and with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, he was unstinting with his time and practical advice for newer members of the club.
A man with a great sense of fun and full of life - he tried abseiling for the first time to celebrate his 87th birthday just 18 months ago!
He was the backbone of the club for over 60 years, somehow seeming to find endless time and energy to fulfil many functions, and to provide encouragement and support to others, always with a welcoming and cheery smile.
He will be sorely missed not only in our club, but also by the North Thames Region, where he served for many years on the committee, only retiring last year from the post of Competitions Officer, and by everyone who came into contact with him in every sphere of his life.
We are thankful that he was part of our lives, and our thoughts go out to Anne and all his family.
Ken was one of the earliest members of the club in the 1950s, and remained a staunch and enthusiastic film maker all his life, picking up many trophies, stars and awards along the way.
Always keen to embrace the latest technology, and with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, he was unstinting with his time and practical advice for newer members of the club.
A man with a great sense of fun and full of life - he tried abseiling for the first time to celebrate his 87th birthday just 18 months ago!
He was the backbone of the club for over 60 years, somehow seeming to find endless time and energy to fulfil many functions, and to provide encouragement and support to others, always with a welcoming and cheery smile.
He will be sorely missed not only in our club, but also by the North Thames Region, where he served for many years on the committee, only retiring last year from the post of Competitions Officer, and by everyone who came into contact with him in every sphere of his life.
We are thankful that he was part of our lives, and our thoughts go out to Anne and all his family.
Edited by RKL 09/12/2015